

We walk (almost) every Tuesday and almost every Thursday.

Tuesday walks vary in length from 10km to over 20km.

Thursday walks are about 7km and often terminate at a restaurant

coffee break

Front left is Bernadette Scholten, who organises Thursday Walks.

Dear Hares,

Covid restrictions are a distant memory and the Hares are merrily romping on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Why not join us? Send an email to luxgreyhares-at-gmail.com if you are interested.


Thursday Walks are 6-8km, often followed by a meal



Length - 19km +-2km, i.e. a full day excursion.
Max. travel time to start of walk (from Luxembourg city) - up to approx. 1,5hrs (that gets us to most parts of the country).



Length - 10km +-2km, i.e. a half-day excursion, either a.m. or p.m.
Max. travel time to start of walk (from Lux city) - up to approx. 1hr (that limits us to parts of the country quickly accessible from Luxembourg city).


Length - 15km +-2km, i.e. a half-day excursion, either a.m. or p.m.
Max. travel time to start of walk (from Lux city) - up to approx. 1.5hr. You will be "led" along one of the many waymarked trails in Luxembourg or over the border.


Our program

Normal walk (10-20km) Every Tuesday except the last Tuesday in the month, when Ann Overstall will organise a lunch in a local restaurant.

Thursday Walk (6-8km) Every Thursday when a walk leader is available.



At the moment, the organisers are

Dan Kelly (daniel.kelly-at-education.lu)
Martin Cardew (martin-at-cardew.org) [normal walks]
Bernadette Scholten (bernadette.scholten@outlook.com) [bonus walks]
Ann Overstall (overstal-at-pt.lu).

and the Mailman - Ian Allwright (luxgreyhares-at-gmail.com) who deals with the mailing list and communications


Walk leaders are asked to mail to luxgreyhares-at-gmail.com in good time, and not later than 1 week before hand, with the following details:

- exact time and location of start of the walk itself (to make it easy for those who want to bring cars)
- public transport routes to the starting point
- length of the walk
- exact destination (including name of café if possible) and estimated arrival time
- things to see along the way
- terrain (rough, roads, muddy, etc.)
- any significant climbs and descents
- public transport routes from destination to Luxembourg city
- walk leader's mobile phone number.

In this way Hares can

- make an informed choice about coming on each walk,
- fix up their own transport arrangements,
- put the walk leader's number in their phone in case they get lost!

You can ask Ian to email the GH group, otherwise Martin or Dan can help with this. See below for further details.

Thursday Walk Organisers:
Thursday walks should not be too hard! Please make sure that your walks do not exceed 7km and that you details public transport links to the start and end of your walk.

Doodle: We like to use a Doodle for each walk, so that organisers can see who has planned to join the walk, and wait for any late-comers if necessary.




Walk organisers should send details of their walk in an email to luxgreyhares-at-gmail.com (do NOT reply to another Hares' email as the reply address will probably be a walk leader).
The mail will then be forwarded to the Grey Hares in as short a delay as possible (This is done manually to avoid any spam being forwarded).
Any Hare who need to send an e-mail to all the Grey Hares should use the same procedure, although the organisers reserve the right to NOT forward any mail they think is inappropriate.

The mailbox and list is held by Ian Allwright.

If you want to mail a walk leader or one of the coordinators, please address your mail just to them.

If you want to be removed from the list or you know of someone who would like to be added, just mail Ian at luxgreyhares@gmail.com . Please check also that no Grey Hare in good standing has been omitted from the address list of this mail - if so, mail Ian.

If you know someone who wishes to join, a request can be sent to luxgreyhares@gmail.com


The above is the necessary minimum to hold our leaderless group** together. Just follow these guidelines and it should work fine.

** It's important to understand that we are not an a.s.b.l., we have no insurances and the coordinators and walk organisers offer their services without any further liability on their part. People take part in Grey Hares events entirely at their own risk.

