
Thursday Walks 2024

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Date Leader Walk
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2024.12.27 Lynda Post-Xmas walk
2024.12.12 Lynda  
2024.12.05 Carol & Steve  
2024.11.28 Margarete Kirchberg walk photos
2024.11.21 Stephanie Doline Walk from Nennig (7.5km) photos
2024.11.14 Lynda Kästewee & Mënster Brill Wee (7km) photos
2024.11.07 Stephanie Tour of three castles in Saarland (6.6km) photos
2024.11.01 Michael Short Circuit near Senningerberg
2024.10.31 Angela Walk round Mourfort (8km) photos
2024.10.24 Clare Menhir de Bieseberg (6km) photos
2024.10.17 Monica Circular from Clemency (8.5km) photos
2024.10.10 Steve & Carol Lakes at Remerschen (4.5km) photos
2024.10.03 Lynda Quetschewee, Käschtewee and/or Menster Brill (11km!!!) photos
2024.09.17 Rita Mamerleeën Trail (>>8km) Tough Walk photos
2024.09.12 Rita Larochette (Fiels) L5 (6.5km) photos
2024.08.29 Stephanie Leudelange autopédestre (5.2km) photos
2024.08.22 Clare From Ettelbréck to Diekrich (6km) photos
2024.08.16 Mike Short Circuit - Stroll through Schrassig woods (90 minutes) + hospitality afterwards photos
2024.08.08 Rita Schieren SI8 (7km) photos
2024.08.01 Lynda Circular walk from Ernster (7km) photos
2024.07.27 Lynda Mertzig autopédestre (8km) photos
2024.07.19 Michael Short Circuit Sandweiler (6km) photos
2024.07.11 Ian Urban stroll (6km) photos
2024.07.04 Rita Forest walk near Blaschette (6km) photos
2024.06.27 Chris M Gypsum trail Bereldange Disaster walk (6km) photos
2024.06.20 Chris M Bambësch walk (7.2km)
2024.06.13 Carol Mosel walk from Greiveldange (5km)
2024.06.06 Ian Hesperange - circular walk (7km)
2024.05.30 Rita Walk round Junglinster
2024.05.23 Stephanie Mamer Auto-pédestre 2 (6.4km)
2024.05.17 Viviane Kirchberg - Wild flowers and herbs walk
2024.05.16 Stephanie Orchid hunting - Aarnesch Nature Reserve
2024.05.10 Michael Short Circuit - Senningerberg
2024.04.25 Peter F. Bourglinster suto pédestre (8km)
2024.04.18 Margarete Owl walk in Bambësch (7.5km)
2024.04.12 Mike Daller Trëppeltour - Trintange (4.3km)
2024.04.11 Monica Circuit form Koerich (7.3km)
2024.04.04 Lynda Steekauzewee Circuit Weiler-la-tour (8.5km)
2024.03.28 Rita Daffodil walk (7km)
2024.03.21 Claire Walk around Diekirch
2024.03.14 Lynda Guttland Trail Aarnescht walk (9.5km)
2024.03.08 Michael Short Circuit: Schetzel Walk (5km)
2024.03.07 Bernadette & Jaap Hostert walk (7km)
2024.02.29 Lynda Tétange / Kayl (5.2km)
2024.02.16 Michael Niederanven to Roodt/Syr (5km)
2024.02.15 Rita  
2024.02.08 Rita J16 Walk from Godbrange (7km)
2024.01.25 Rita Joffer Margot didactic trail from Consdorf Millen (7km)
2024.01.11 Grey Hares Search at Junglinster on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
2024.01.04 Lynda Kirchberg walk + Kinnekswiss Xmas Market (5km)